2024 Spring Baozhong Excellence


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Cultivar: Qingxin (ruanzhi) Oolong

Harvested by hand: April 19th, 2024

Origin: Pinglin, Wenshan region.

Process: Lightly oxidized Baozhong, twisted, no stems, well dried.

1. View

The dry leaves are dark green, small and thin. The open leaves show a light oxidation with little red color on the edge. The brew has a yellow hue with a good transparency.

2. Scents

The dry scents are very light and flowery. The brew has high notes of flowers and perfume. Very refined.

3. Taste

The taste is very sweet and has a very long good aftertaste. The freshness is lingering and triggers a great salivation in the mouth.

Conclusion: This Baozhong has uses the great Qingxin Oolong cultivar and delivers both great scents and wonderful aftertaste. This is the Baozhong we love!

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